Umm...maybe your emp grenade should be in your side folder. and make sure the correct names are in place.
In the com_weap_inf_emp_grenade, i dont see this line OrdnanceName = "com_weap_inf_emp_grenade_ord"
Using odf files right from the common sides folder is not ideal for adding to your class. As its missing lines that your sides weapons odf would have.
If you compare both your side grenade and the common grenade odf files, you can see which line are missing and present. Copy and paste the missing lines from the common thermal grenade file to your thermal grenade side file.
Make sure any new weapons for your side is in your side folder. Common is only there to fill in the rest of the blanks that your side weapon odf file dosent have.
And make sure your side weapon odf file is pointing to your common sides weapon odf file is needed.