I need to decide whether or not to keep or replace these weapons.
Engineer Class: B1 Support Droid-Health Buff (Similar to bothan spy buff)
Officer Class: OOM Commander Droid-Defense Buff (Stock)
-Auto Turret (Stock)
The health buff makes sense, but will not be used very often.
The defense buff feels a bit boring for the Commander Droid.
Lastly the auto turret is nearly useless and dies quickly due to grenades.
- Spoiler:
Does anyone have any suggestions for these three weapons? What could I do instead?
-I was considering the orbital strike grenade rather than the defense buffs, but not all the maps are outdoors.
-Detpacks have been replaced by a fusion cutter and the fusion cutter has been replaced by the pistol.
-Concussion grenades are already being used by the Assault Droids and Pilot Droids.
-Time bombs are used by Pilot Droids.