I needed a place to keep all notes without opening too many windows and confusing myself lol. So I thought why not keep it all in one place, SWBFC!
ClassParent = "" (Calls for a parent odf file if present)
GeometryName = "DC_15T.msh" (Model mesh type)
ClassLabel = "cannon"
GeometryName = "DC_15T" (Model mesh)
HighResGeometry = "DC_15T" (Model mesh for 1st person view)
OrdnanceName = "abc_weap_inf_rifle_ord" (projectile characteristics odf file)
FirePointName = "hp_fire" (harp point name (where the projectile will be fired from))
ScoreForMedalsType = 1 (unlock (War hero, Frenzy, Guardian, etc..)
MedalsTypeToLock = 1 (unlock awards)
AnimationBank = "rifle" (soldier will hold and use the weapon as a rifle)
//************* TARGET & RANGE VALUES **********
TargetEnemy = "1"
TargetNeutral = "0"
TargetFriendly = "0"
TargetPerson = "1"
TargetAnimal = "1"
TargetDroid = "1"
TargetVehicle = "0"
TargetBuilding = "0"
MinRange = "0" (How close till one is able to fire)
OptimalRange = "24"
MaxRange = "152" (How far one is allowed to aim)
LockOnRange = "40.0" (How far one is able to lock-on to target)
LockTime = "0.4" (How long it takes till lock-on is ready)
lockOnAngle = "1.0" (How far the angle can go while atempting or locked-on)
ZoomMin = "2.5" (1st click of zooming in)
ZoomMax = "4.0" (2nd click of zooming in)
ZoomRate = "0.0" (How fast the zooming goes)
YawSpread = "0.225" (How far up/down you can look before moving)
PitchSpread = "0.225" (How far left/right you can look before moving)
SpreadPerShot = "0.70" (Lenght between each laser shot)
SpreadRecoverRate = "2.0" (How long till the laser goes straight) (During this time the laser is firing cricked))
SpreadThreshold = "1.0" (How long the laser stays straight before going cricked))
SpreadLimit = "0.10" (How cricked the lasers go) (Higher the number, the cricked it fires)
StandStillSpread = "0.0" (when standing still, how much spread happens)
StandMoveSpread = "0.0" (when moving, how much spread happens)
CrouchStillSpread = "0.0" (when kneeling down, how much spread happens)
CrouchMoveSpread = "0.0" (when ducking and moving , how much spread happens)
ProneStillSpread = "0.0" (Not used)
ProneMoveSpread = "0.0" (Not used)
//*********** WEAPON PERFORMANCE VALUES *********
RoundsPerClip = "50" (Ammo in a magazine)
ReloadTime = "1.5" (How long it takes to reload a magazine)
ShotDelay = "0.1" (How long it takes before the next shot is fired)
TriggerSingle = "1" (0 = Auto shooting (Hold button), 1 = Manual shooting (Tap Buttton))
DisplayRefire = "0"
SalvoCount = "1" (how many lasers come out per shot)
SalvoDelay = "0.0" (How long it takes for the next laser to come out during the 1st SalvoCount)
InitialSalvoDelay = "0.0" (2ndary delay)
SalvoTime = "0.0"
//*********** HUD & CONTROLLER VALUES *********
MuzzleFlash = "small_muzzle_flash" (effect at tip if barrel after a shot has been fired)
FlashColor = "255 80 80 255" (color of effect for muzzle flash)
FlashLength = "0.025" (how long the effect lasts)
FlashLightColor = "255 220 220 175" (light color)
FlashLightRadius = "2.0" (How big the light will be)
FlashLightDuration = "0.25" (How long the light will last)
Discharge = "small_smoke_effect" (smoke effect after the muzzle flash)
RecoilLengthLight = "0.1"
RecoilLengthHeavy = "0.1"
RecoilStrengthLight = "1.0"
RecoilStrengthHeavy = "0.2"
RecoilDecayLight = "0.0"
RecoilDecayHeavy = "0.0"
//*************** SOUND ****************
FireSound = "abc_DC_15A_RIFLE" (main weapon sound)
ReloadSound = "com_weap_inf_reload_med" (reload sound)
ChangeModeSound = "com_weap_inf_equip_med"
FireEmptySound = "com_weap_inf_ammo_empty" (firing emty weapon sound)
WeaponChangeSound = "com_weap_inf_equip_med" (changing to this weapon sound)
JumpSound = "com_weap_inf_rifle_mvt_jump" (player jumping sound)
LandSound = "com_weap_inf_rifle_mvt_land" (player landing sound)
RollSound = "com_weap_inf_rifle_mvt_roll" (player rolling sound)
//ProneSound = "com_weap_inf_rifle_mvt_lie" (Not used)
SquatSound = "com_weap_inf_rifle_mvt_squat"
//StandSound = "com_weap_inf_rifle_mvt_getup" (standing up sound)
ClassLabel = "bolt" (tells the game this is a laser)
LaserTexture = "com_sfx_laser_blue" (laser skin (Texture))
LaserGlowColor = "0 84 255 100" (The color of the laser) (100 = Red, 100 = Green, 100 = Blue, 100 = How strong the color is)
LightColor = "0 85 255 100" (The color of the light)
LightRadius = "4.0" (How big the color of light will be)
LaserLength = "1.5" (How long the laser will be)
LaserWidth = "0.105" (How thick the laser will be)
GlowLength = "1.6" (How thick and long the glow will be)
BlurLength = "2.0" (How long and fat the blur will be)
LifeSpan = "1.0" (How long the laser will be seen before disappearing)
Velocity = "350.0" (How fast the laser will travel)
Gravity = "1.0" (Causes the laser to be effected by gravity)
Rebound = "0.0" (Will or Chance the laser will deflect off solid)
MaxDamage = "20.1" (How much damage is done by this laser)
DamageTransitionDelay = "0.2" //How long in seconds before the damage change begins.
DamageTransitionPeriod = "0.1" //How long in seconds the damage change lasts.
DamageFinalDamage = "17.5" //What the damage would be at the end of the transition period. A negative value means that no change is applied.
VehicleScale = "0.1"
ShieldScale = "1.0"
PersonScale = "1.0"
DroidScale = "1.0"
BuildingScale = "0.1"
ImpactEffectSoft = "com_sfx_ord_exp" (This effect occur when they hit certain solids)
ImpactEffectRigid = "com_sfx_ord_exp" (This effect occur when they hit certain solids)
ImpactEffectStatic = "com_sfx_ord_exp" (This effect occur when they hit certain solids)
ImpactEffectTerrain = "com_sfx_ord_exp" (This effect occur when they hit certain solids)
ImpactEffectWater = "com_sfx_watersplash_ord" (This effect occur when they hit certain solids)
ImpactEffectShield = "com_sfx_ord_exp" (This effects occur when they hit certain solids)
ExpireEffect = "com_sfx_ord_exp"
OrdnanceSound = "com_weap_inf_ord_hum_sm" (sound of the laser while traveling)
CollisionSound = "imp_weap_ord_exp" (sound of the laser making contact with solid)
BonusAmplification = "0.25" //how much more damage will be done when team_bonus_blaster_amplication is on