I'd thought I'd show everyone Billy Bob Joe Fred Studios's latest film. It's really short, so give it a shot. It's the first time we* published a fictional film, so we'd like lot's of feedback.
-We do not encourage crime in any way. Crime is not cool, so, don't commit crimes!
-Ignore the bursts of static that periodically happen. I wasn't there at the filming, so even I don't know the cause.
-We did get permission from both stores shown in the film to show their name and phone number.
-There was no script, it was all ad-libbed on the spot.
*We as in TheDuke(Simon Williams) and the rest of the regular BBJF crew, which is me, and that's about it. Although I didn't do a ton of work on this particular film, I'm just the tech guy to help with editing and fix computer issues.