Well, here is my first map. Nothing too fancy, just a battle on an asteroid with mysterious creatures running around. I wanted to do a bit more polishing up but apparently (by accident, of course) I flattened out the terrain without knowing it. I wanted to put in a loading screen and some other stuff(forgot what they were), maybe a bit more localizing, although I believe I did it right and only half of the stuff works.
Enough of the chit-chat, let's get down to the action. This map has one mode and one era, conquest and the Clone Wars. There are two new units on each side and 3/4 are melee. There are custom tooltips and much more fun stuff inside! (Such as the BATTLE!
Known bugs: Droideka shield doesn't appear(I think, not sure yet). When you jump and do the down attack (as the mining droid) you are only able to move (not attack or run) until you roll(sometimes i am out of enerygy so I can't roll, so don't try it while your energy bar is gray, just a tip
). Some things are not localized.
Clone trooper confused.
Blocked my bomb with a metal pole...how embarrassing!
Using the pole trooper's shoulder as a sniping spot...odd.
Tell me what you think of it! (Including jawas, if you must!)
WORKING LINK: http://www.gamefront.com/files/20946601 - Staff